3 Ways to Read Better
3 Ways to Read Better
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We assume that reading is a hobby of yours, otherwise you might not be on this page. Reading is a fabulous hobby to have as it offers so many returns and rewards like escapism, growth, new information and a chance to catch up on you time! But even though you love books and love reading, have you ever just found it difficult to pick up the book? Sometimes it can feel like starting to clean out your wardrobe or going for a run, the hardest part is starting. Once you’ve got going you’re delighted you did and you are happy with the end result. So if it is so rewarding to do it, why is it hard to pick up a book?
For me it can be a variety of things such as being glued to my phone, worried I’ll be obsessed with the book too much and not get anything else done or not having the time. But as the saying goes, if you want time, you’ll make time. Now that I look at it why am I also worried about being too obsessed with the book?? THAT’S THE BEST PART!
Anyway, we are going to go through 3 ways to help you pick up that book and start the book you’ve been putting off!
Routine plays a key part here. Like our previous examples of exercise and cleaning, unless you are in a habit of doing it, it probably won’t get done. From here on in why not try and incorporate reading into your daily routine? Personally I try to link reading with my most common daily tasks. It is involved twice a day for me with reading once in the morning and once in the afternoon whilst being intertwined with my skincare and teeth brushing! Before I go to the bathroom in the morning I set myself the goal to read 10 pages of my book (which often ends up being more). After I complete my skincare and brush my teeth in the evening I set myself the goal to read 10 pages before I fall asleep (which often ends up in me staying up, on occasion, too late). However, having gotten into the habit of this and not allowing myself to miss this vital part of my routine more than 2 days in a row has helped me incorporate more reading into my routine. Now this may seem like a chore, and sometimes it can be, but allows me the time to set up for the day and tick something off my list. This may not necessarily ‘reading for pleasure’ but it allows me more time to read for pleasure when I have my routine in check! A good book recommendation for routines/habits would be Atomic Habits by James Clear. A fantastic book that is also available as an audiobook so you can listen while you are on the go if you live a hectic lifestyle!
Joining a book club can be an influential factor in helping you to read more, particularly if you feel you are just reading and not engaging with a book. This also plays a huge part in the previously mentioned routine aspect as you will potentially have a deadline or goal time to read to! It also gives you access to other people’s ideas/opinions around the chosen book which can again help you to better understand and engage with the material in the book if not spark something in you to potentially write your own some day! Just to get you started, why not join The Book Resort Book Club on Facebook.
We see you all always carrying your handbags in your hand or backpacks on your back! This is a key element in helping you to read more because if the book is there, why not read it? Let’s say you are sitting at the side of the road waiting for the bus. You have scrolled endlessly through Instagram already and there is nothing left to see but there your book sits in your bag – READ IT! Or let’s say you are in work and you end up having a half day because you worked so hard. Instead of trudging home and getting straight back into bed take your handbag and head to the nearest coffee shop, get yourself a coffee and turn the next page. Anytime, anywhere!
Now, don’t get us wrong. We have a million and one tips to help you read better. These however are just the basics as well as the most important rules for reading! These minor steps will make a major difference in how and why you read. If you incorporate these aspects into your everyday life they will become second nature just like brushing your teeth before bed (we hope!).
Every now and then we ask on our socials what your top tips for helping you to read and engage with books so we look forward to sharing more of them with you in the future. Head over to our Instagram and Facebook to share your tips with us when the occasion arises – we look forward to hearing your weird and wonderful ideas!
P.s. Don’t forget to let us know if you decided to use any of them and if they worked for you!
The Book Resort Team x
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