About Us

We help you show people how much you love them!  

Wondering how it all began?  Well, make a cup of tea, pull up a chair and let's have a chat.

My name is Aisling, founder of The Book Resort, a luxury book subscription and premium gifting company, created in Waterford in late 2019. 

I was always a big reader who also happened to love chocolate and I had big dreams. I wondered if maybe, just maybe, I could turn my dreams into reality by combining two of my favorite things on this planet - books and chocolate - into a business that would bring joy to people.

As does everything, the initial idea started with a little ‘I wonder’ moment.  I made a few lists and started researching and slowly the idea of The Book Resort began to take shape.  I really wanted to give this 100% so I did what any sane & rational person would do and I left my job, my lovely, secure job!  Yes, I was secretly terrified but very excited.  It was all going okay for a couple of months and then.....

Covid hit which was a massive shock as suppliers closed while customers started asking for more products.  After spinning in circles for a few days wondering what to do, I put my head down and got to work (aka, did not sleep very much) and have not stopped since.

Looking back, it scaled so much quicker than I initially anticipated as it literally turned from working at a kitchen table to a warehouse on my own property in less than 12 months.

So now in 2025, we have a shiny new premises, loads and loads of lovely suppliers, deeper relationships with our customers, a growing online community (over 16k on Instagram & Facebook and 1700 in our Facebook Book Club) and a tiny but passionate & dedicated team (including my two sons) who are helping us grow.

Our number one goal is to help you show people how much you love them by delivering happiness and moments of magic

We also want to…

  • Deliver happiness and delight with every experience by exceeding expectations
  • Support our community-suppliers, customers, charity, staff and book club members
  • Encourage passion about reading
  • Inspire by championing other Irish businesses
  • Constantly strive to improve, amaze and always be kind.

The rest of the story? We are living it and writing it right now in Co. Waterford...welcome to our little dream!

We also recently got our very first van! Make sure to give us a beep if you see us pass!

Aisling & The Book Resort Team 💕.




PPS.  We have been very fortunate to have been mentioned a lot in the Irish media too: 

View all of our press mentions here